version 01

Calculation Tool Functionality

This tool offers a comprehensive analysis of a suspended 3D rigid body subjected to forces and torques. It also gives the eigenfrequencies and mode shapes. The tool accepts various inputs, including:

  1. Direction vector, connection points, and spring stiffness.
  2. Linear forces applied to the body and their application positions.
  3. Torque spring direction vectors, torque stiffness, and the option to apply torque on the body around a specified axis.
  4. For eigenfrequency calculations the mass matrix can be found above the collapse button.

For user convenience, the inputs section provides the option to plot, which can be easily accessed using push buttons to expand the relevant sections. The calculation results include the total stiffness matrix, the total applied load, and the rigid body deformation with respect to the world coordinate system (WCS).
Furthermore, the tool allows users to download the inverse stiffness matrix in CSV format. Future updates will include additional Matlab functions to enable more extensive offline investigations. It is essential to use the unit system for all calculations, preferably in meters, to prevent misinterpretation. Direction vectors are automatically normalized in the background, except the force vector which requires teh actual forces as input.
By utilizing this tool, users can gain valuable insights into the behavior of suspended 3D rigid bodies and conduct in-depth analyses efficiently.

Description of the image
Mind that error handling is limited. Make sure all input are numerical values. Tooling is not yet overly benchmarked so usage at own risk.
linear spring direction vectors
[kx ky kz]
spring application points
[px py pz]

spring stiffness
in spring direction

force on body [Fx Fy Fz]

point of force application [x y z]
torque spring direction vectors
[Tx Ty Tz]

torque stiffness
around direction vector

torque on body [Txyz]

rotation axis [x y z]
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