last update: 20-12-2023


This website page is created to make engineering calculation tools broadly available to engineers. Goal is to expand the tool base with new initiatives and ideas when they come by. For people who want to contribute please email us to share your ideas. Preferably conceptually worked out and don't hestiate if you need help.

Description of the image Self-centering of a kinematic body This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of the self-centering properties of a kinematic body with six degrees of freedom in its constraints. Think about a v-groove interface or any other contraption of this kind.
Description of the image Body on springs - parasitic forces and Eigenfrequencies This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of a rigid body subjected to forces and Eigenferquencies. The tool visualizes the constraints in the 3D plot.
Description of the image Thermal center of a 3D body This tool provides a comprehensive analysis of a rigid body to thermal expansion.
© 2023 OMTK/SAST - If you have comments please contact e-mail

Disclaimer for OMTK Engineering Tools: The engineering tools provided on this website (OMTK) are intended for educational and informational purposes only. No rights can be obtained from the results you calculate.